I would be happy to create a project for you based on my skills listed below.

Html 5
Tailwind Css
Next js
Node js
Mongo db

Frontend Skills

  • JavaScript / TypeScript
    • Working with DOM selectors to manipulate and interact with HTML elements
    • Understanding event handling, including click, hover, and keyboard events
    • Asynchronous programming with promises, async/await
    • Building interactive features with JavaScript (e.g., form validation, dynamic content updates)
    • Understanding closures, callbacks, and higher-order functions
  • React js
    • Building reusable components and passing props between them
    • State management using useState and useReducer
    • Fetching data from APIs using fetch or axios
    • Handling errors on client side.
    • Context API for managing global state across components
    • Optimistic updates with useState or TanStack Query for smooth UX
    • Handling component lifecycle with hooks like useEffect
  • Next js
    • Building and managing controlled forms
    • Understanding server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG)
    • Page routing with file-based routing in Next.js
    • Optimizing performance with image optimization and lazy loading

I am currently learning to test with Jest and React Testing Library

I use both classic CSS and Tailwind CSS to create responsive and modern layouts. I'm comfortable working with Flexbox, Grid, and positioning to build flexible, adaptive designs. I also like to add smooth transitions and animations to make user interactions more engaging and dynamic.

I have also worked with libraries like ShadCN and Material UI to enhance the user experience and create modern, responsive interfaces.

Backend Skills

  • Express js
    • Setting up servers with Express.js, including CORS configuration, routing, controllers, and handling requests and responses.
    • Implementing authentication: session-based authentication with Redis and token-based authentication using JWT.
    • Using Prisma to interact with the database, simplifying database queries and migrations.
    • Building RESTful APIs and managing middleware for enhanced functionality and security.
    • Handling error management and validation for robust and secure APIs.
  • Databases
    • Working with relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL), including basic SQL queries and understanding relationships between tables (joins, foreign keys, etc.).
    • Working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB for more flexible, schema-less data storage.
    • Understanding basic CRUD operations and optimizing database performance with indexing and query optimization.
    • Experience with data migrations and managing schema changes effectively in production environments.

Other skills

  • React Native / Expo
    • Cloudinary
      • Storing images and media files from my projects on Cloudinary for efficient cloud-based media management.
    • GitHub
      • Creating and managing repositories, working with branches (creating, updating, merging), and basic experience with forks.
    • Docker
      • Creating containers and images for my applications and storing them in Docker Hub.

    Basic knwoledge

    • PHP
      • Created small projects using PHP, including basic server-side scripting and simple dynamic web pages.
      • Gained understanding of server-side rendering and handling requests and responses in a PHP environment.
    • Python (Flask & Django)
      • Built simple projects using Flask and Django, learning how to create basic web applications and APIs.
      • Familiar with routing, handling user requests, and implementing basic user authentication in both frameworks.
      • Worked with user authentication systems, including login, logout, and session management.